Friday, September 13, 2019

The experience of child-soldiers upon their return in the local Essay - 1

The experience of child-soldiers upon their return in the local communities (Nepal case) - Essay Example Demobilisation is the withdrawal of soldiers from armed groups, and reintegration implies the return of soldiers to civilian life. Reintegration is usually viewed to be an indefinite economic and social mechanism that occurs in communities locally (Wessells, 2006). This essay analyses the experience of child soldiers in Nepal upon their return in the local communities. The first section explains the social and psychological issues of redistributed child soldiers, followed by an analysis of the initiatives taken by the Nepal government and other organisations to help in the process. And the final section presents suggestions for possible alternative approaches. The United Nations considers the return of child soldiers in their local communities a complicated, continuous process that necessitates substantial resources. The urgent task is finding the families of the child soldiers in order to bring them back to their families and communities (Kuper, 1997). Although this may seem easy, it is often filled with difficulties. In numerous cases, the families and communities may have been severely damaged by war, are in dismal financial condition, and cannot take care of or support returning combatants. According to Gates (2010), even though it is at t imes claimed that child soldiers must be capable of regaining their ‘lost childhood,’ this is practically unattainable. The Maoists’ practice of enlisting children for combat or military assistance is one of the most troubling realities of the civil war in Nepal. The Maoists have exploited various methods for recruiting children (e.g. use of misleading campaigns, kidnapping of children) (Aryal, 2011). At the peak of the civil war, in territories strongly ruled by Maoists, the rebels enforced a ‘one family, one child’ policy in which every family had to offer a recruit or suffer serious punishment (Human Rights Watch, 2007, p. 5). The

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